228,000 new homes will be built in Australia this year. With most homes having at least two bathrooms that’s 456,000 bathrooms! According to Roy Morgan Research a further three million homes will undertake some sort of renovation. That is a lot of cold bathrooms.
There are some simple ways to keep your new bathroom warm that most people simply overlook. Luke Chant is an expert in this field. He is the the owner of Hotwire Heating and has been featured on the last 6 series of The Block. His products are also stocked in Australia’s biggest and most well known retailers including Beaumont Tiles and Bunnings.
Tip 1)
It might sound simple but invest in a good rug! Most people simply put a bath mat down so small that it covers a few mosaic tiles. Buy a nice fluffy rug. You can still put your bath mat down right outside the shower where the floor is the wettest. Put the rug in the middle of the floor and enjoy curling your toes into the pile on a cold morning.
Tip 2)
Big Windows. This might sound counter intuitive, but windows let in light and warmth. When it is nice and bright you just feel warmer. The following tips will help keep the room warm.
Tip 3)
Floor Heating. There are a lot of misconceptions around floor heating. It is nowhere near as expensive as most people think. Once you have had it you will never go back. It also reduces mould which mean less cleaning! Hands up if you like cleaning your bathroom…. No one. I didn’t think so. Floor Heating is your solution. Plus when the kids leave the towels on the floor they will dry anyway!
Tip 4)
Timber Look: Like natural light, timber tones just make you feel warm. Many Vanities and other bathroom furniture now come in Timber look and in some cases actual Timber finishes. You will feel warmer and enjoy your bathroom.
Tip 5)
Heated Towel Rails. Like Floor Heating many people think Heated Towel Rails are a bit of a luxury. In 2019 they are very affordable and after having a heated towel rail you will simply never go back. Stepping out of your shower and grabbing a warm towel is a must have luxury in 2019.
Homeowners interested in finding out more about floor heating and how it can benefit them can contact Hotwire Heating on 1300 HOTWIRE or visit our website at www.hotwireheating.com.au